We get hundreds of requests for people studying their NCPLH or APLH personal licence exam. "Are there any mock exam papers or help you can get to help you pass your Personal Licence Exam!" is a question we are often asked.........
YES!!!!!!!! Thanks to our friends over at WWW.ALCOHOL -LICENCE.ORG we have managed to obtain some learning materials to help you pass your exam first time.
Try this link
This blog has been developed to keep our clients up to date with changes to the licensing laws for England, Wales and Scotland. This blog is officially maintained by Personal Licence Training (UK) Ltd.
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Passing your APLH Examination
We love receiving kind words of thanks from candidates and their family who successfully pass their personal licence exam. We run personal licence training courses in over 120 locations nationwide and like all companies love positive feed back. Special thanks to the APLH trainer Steve for delivering another excellent training course for the Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH) Level 2.
"To everyone at the Redditch office.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a "Big Thank, You", to all of you for you and your colleagues for assisting and supporting my dad to pass his personal licence training. It made my day when I heard and I even got out a bottle of champagne.
This is such a huge achievement for him and I am very pleased that we booked the course through you.
Once again, thank you ever so much.
All the best
Sophia Taws".
Monday, 24 October 2011
personal licence training online
personal licence training online can be a preferred learning tool for some individuals. With online APLh training courses you can study at your own pace for the Award for Personal licence Holders (APLH) Level 2. As a company we do currently offer an online personal licence holders course which can be taken in the comfort off your own home. We are currently working on a number of hospitality based e-leaning products including an up-date APLH personal licence holders course these product will be available shortly as we are currently in the process of up dating our current website.
To fine out more about online e-learning products or the online personal licence training course please visit the e-leaning section on our website.Click Here
Or simply call us to discuss your requirements. Tel 0845 388 5472
Please note: A personal licence holders examination must be invigilated so candidate will still need to visit an examination centre to sit their examination. we currently have over 100 nationwide APLH exam centres.
To fine out more about online e-learning products or the online personal licence training course please visit the e-leaning section on our website.Click Here
Or simply call us to discuss your requirements. Tel 0845 388 5472
Please note: A personal licence holders examination must be invigilated so candidate will still need to visit an examination centre to sit their examination. we currently have over 100 nationwide APLH exam centres.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Award for Personal Licence Holders
The Award for Personal Licence Holders will allow the holder to apply for a personal licence to sell alcohol.
The APLH level 2 Award replaces the old NCPLH licensing qualification and came into force on the 1st of April 2010. The Award for Personal Licence Holders will allow the holder to be become a Designated Premises Supervisor and be name on the premises licence as the Licensee or DPS for short.
Personal licence training offer over 120 course locations nationwide for the Award for Personal Licence Holders training course. Over the past five years our company has produced thousands of personal license applications in hundreds of local authority areas and every week we send out hundreds of Award for Personal Licence Holders qualifications.
Personal Licence Training Ltd have just re-launched their new up dated APLH course book for the level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders. The new APLH course book replaces the old APLH and NCPLH course books. Company Director Mr Dean Carr said “The new look Award for Personal licence Holders course books now are in keeping with new corporate image for 2012 and the new design compliments the companies re-branding campagne. We hope to have all of our hospitality course books and support literature re-branded by the end of the year. We are also working on redesigning our company website to carry forward the same company image the new site will feature a e-commerce site where course books, E-learning products , APLH training courses and SCPLH training courses can all be purchased online.”
If you would like to purchase a copy of the Award for Personal Licence Holders course book or you would like to book a training course the APLH qualification then please contact PLT Limited on 01527 544780
The company provide national coverage for both the APLH and the Scottish SCPLH licensing qualification. We can also process both personal licence applications and premises licence applications on behalf of clients.
The company can also offer quality support material and literate to assist with the running of any style of licensed premises
The APLH level 2 Award replaces the old NCPLH licensing qualification and came into force on the 1st of April 2010. The Award for Personal Licence Holders will allow the holder to be become a Designated Premises Supervisor and be name on the premises licence as the Licensee or DPS for short.
Personal licence training offer over 120 course locations nationwide for the Award for Personal Licence Holders training course. Over the past five years our company has produced thousands of personal license applications in hundreds of local authority areas and every week we send out hundreds of Award for Personal Licence Holders qualifications.
Personal Licence Training Ltd have just re-launched their new up dated APLH course book for the level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders. The new APLH course book replaces the old APLH and NCPLH course books. Company Director Mr Dean Carr said “The new look Award for Personal licence Holders course books now are in keeping with new corporate image for 2012 and the new design compliments the companies re-branding campagne. We hope to have all of our hospitality course books and support literature re-branded by the end of the year. We are also working on redesigning our company website to carry forward the same company image the new site will feature a e-commerce site where course books, E-learning products , APLH training courses and SCPLH training courses can all be purchased online.”
If you would like to purchase a copy of the Award for Personal Licence Holders course book or you would like to book a training course the APLH qualification then please contact PLT Limited on 01527 544780
The company provide national coverage for both the APLH and the Scottish SCPLH licensing qualification. We can also process both personal licence applications and premises licence applications on behalf of clients.
The company can also offer quality support material and literate to assist with the running of any style of licensed premises
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Personal Licence Training Ltd: challenge 25 posters for scotland
Personal Licence Training Ltd: challenge 25 posters for scotland: Download your FREE " Challenge 25 poster " to ensure you comply with changes in Scottish Licensing Law! On the 1st of October 2011 all lic...
challenge 25 posters for scotland
Download your FREE "Challenge 25 poster" to ensure you comply with changes in Scottish Licensing Law!
On the 1st of October 2011 all licensed premises in Scotland are now required to operate a challenge policy.
This policy is Challenge 25
This simply means
Anyone who appears under the age of 25 should be challenged to prove their age when attempting to purchase alcohol or any other age restricted products
Section 6 of The Alcohol etc. (Scotland) Act 2010 introduces a new mandatory condition for all premises licences and occasional licences requiring that there must be an age verification policy in place in relation to the sale of alcohol on the premises. The section has set a minimum age of 25 years for the policy where it appears to the person selling the alcohol that the customer may be under the age of 25 years. Premises may set any minimum age for their own policy provided that it is 25 years or over.
Download your FREE CHALLENGE 25 POSTER Now!
On the 1st of October 2011 all licensed premises in Scotland are now required to operate a challenge policy.
This policy is Challenge 25
This simply means
Anyone who appears under the age of 25 should be challenged to prove their age when attempting to purchase alcohol or any other age restricted products
Section 6 of The Alcohol etc. (Scotland) Act 2010 introduces a new mandatory condition for all premises licences and occasional licences requiring that there must be an age verification policy in place in relation to the sale of alcohol on the premises. The section has set a minimum age of 25 years for the policy where it appears to the person selling the alcohol that the customer may be under the age of 25 years. Premises may set any minimum age for their own policy provided that it is 25 years or over.
Download your FREE CHALLENGE 25 POSTER Now!
Challenge 25 for Scotand
On the first of October 2011 a challenge policy was introduced in to the Scottish Licensing Act (2005)
It became law for all retail premises selling alcohol and age restricted products to operate a " Challenge 25 policy". The Act provides no guidance as to the wording of any Policy but the licence holder must have a Policy in place.
It became law for all retail premises selling alcohol and age restricted products to operate a " Challenge 25 policy". The Act provides no guidance as to the wording of any Policy but the licence holder must have a Policy in place.
So what is Challenge 25? let us explain in simple terms!
Anyone who appears under the age of 25 should be challenged to prove their age when attempting to purchase alcohol or any other age restricted products
In verifying age, it is reasonable to presume that only the following documents will be satisfactory to comply with the verification policy:-
Passport; or
European Photocard Driving Licence; or
Proof of age card bearing a ‘PASS’ hologram.
European Photocard Driving Licence; or
Proof of age card bearing a ‘PASS’ hologram.
We at alcohol licence.org would advise on the following forms of identification.
- UK Driving Licence
- UK Provisional Driving Licence
- Valid Passport
- Pass Hologram Identity Card (Young Scott Card) etc
If the above documentation is not produced on request then the Policy cannot be complied with and the sale of alcohol should be refused.
The Policy must be in place on or before Saturday 1 October 2011. A failure to comply with this mandatory condition will be a criminal offence in terms of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 which could result in a fine and/or imprisonment. It could also result in a review of the Premises Licence resulting in suspension or revocation of the Licence.
So to help we have been asked to design a Challenge 25 Poster for Scotland so here it is and you can download it free of charge!
What wonderful people we are! You can also order some poster's by calling 01527 544 780
Friday, 7 October 2011
Challenge 25 or Challenge 21 What is the best policy?
Deciding which is the best challenge policy for your business can be a difficult choice, however we advise that for high street retailers such as an off licence businesses or a mini market, challenge 25 is the best policy and one that is adopted by most of the big supermarket chains. Pubs and bars tend to stick with challenge 21 but not all in some areas many bars and pubs are now choosing to operate a challenge 25 policy.
So lets try and explain the difference! with challenge 21 you only have a 3 years between the age of 18 and 21, but with the challenge 25 policy the gap is 7 years, therefore staff are less likely to make a mistake when asking for proof of age. An unauthorised sale of alcohol to a trading standards test purchaser will lead to an on the spot fine for the person involved and an interview under caution at the local police station or trading standards office which may also then lead to a criminal prosecution in Magistrates Court.
The maximum fine under the licensing Act 2003 for selling alcohol to an underage person is currently £5,000
Another concideration for retailers to be aware of is Section 147A of the licensing Act 2003 "persistently selling alcohol to children"
Section 147A makes it an offence to sell alcohol to a child under 18 from the same premises on two or more occasions within a period of three consecutive months. The section applies to the person being responsible in relation to the premises at the time of each sale.
It should be noted that there is an alternative to criminal prosecution for the offence of persistently selling alcohol to children. Under section 169 A of the Licensing Act 2003, a closure notice may be given where there is evidence that an offence under section 147A is committed, there is considered to be a realistic prospect of conviction and the offender is still a holder of a premises licence in relation to the relevant premises. A closure notice shall propose a prohibition on sales of alcohol on the relevant premises not to exceed 48 hours. The form of a closure notice is prescribed in The Licensing Act 2003 (Persistent Selling of Alcohol to Children) (Prescribed Form of Closure Notice) Regulations 2007, which came into force on 3 May 2007.
A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level £10,000.
You can download a free "Challenge 25 Poster" by clicking here
So lets try and explain the difference! with challenge 21 you only have a 3 years between the age of 18 and 21, but with the challenge 25 policy the gap is 7 years, therefore staff are less likely to make a mistake when asking for proof of age. An unauthorised sale of alcohol to a trading standards test purchaser will lead to an on the spot fine for the person involved and an interview under caution at the local police station or trading standards office which may also then lead to a criminal prosecution in Magistrates Court.
The maximum fine under the licensing Act 2003 for selling alcohol to an underage person is currently £5,000
Another concideration for retailers to be aware of is Section 147A of the licensing Act 2003 "persistently selling alcohol to children"
Section 147A makes it an offence to sell alcohol to a child under 18 from the same premises on two or more occasions within a period of three consecutive months. The section applies to the person being responsible in relation to the premises at the time of each sale.
It should be noted that there is an alternative to criminal prosecution for the offence of persistently selling alcohol to children. Under section 169 A of the Licensing Act 2003, a closure notice may be given where there is evidence that an offence under section 147A is committed, there is considered to be a realistic prospect of conviction and the offender is still a holder of a premises licence in relation to the relevant premises. A closure notice shall propose a prohibition on sales of alcohol on the relevant premises not to exceed 48 hours. The form of a closure notice is prescribed in The Licensing Act 2003 (Persistent Selling of Alcohol to Children) (Prescribed Form of Closure Notice) Regulations 2007, which came into force on 3 May 2007.
A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level £10,000.
You can download a free "Challenge 25 Poster" by clicking here
Thursday, 6 October 2011
NCPLH qualification
The NCPLH qualification is no longer valid! the NCPLH has now been replaced by the Award for Personal Licence Holders - Level 2 or APLH for short. The alcohol licensing qualification for Scotland remains the same (SCPLH). Personal Licence Training Limited (PLT) are the UK's leading course provider for alcohol licensing qualifications in England, Wales and Scotland. We process thousands of personal alcohol licence qualifications and full licence applications every year. If you are looking to gain your personal licence or wish to up date your licensing qualification to an APLH Level 2 please contact us at Personal Licence Training Limited.
The UK's Favorite Licensing Company!
Tel:01527 544 780
The UK's Favorite Licensing Company!
Tel:01527 544 780
Monday, 3 October 2011
Temporary licence to sell alcohol
As a Company we specialise in arranging new premises licence applications and temporary event licence applications for both small (under 500 patrons) and large events of in excess of 10,000 patrons. In the past we have helped our clients to obtain alcohol licence applications for music events, festivals, shows, school fates, out door ice rinks, German markets, weekend events in locations throughout England, Scotland and Wales. Our licensing team are experts in this field and can assist with all types of event licensing and personal licence training. We have arranged personal licence applications and temporary events for most of London's leading event companies whom work at locations such as Wembley, Earls Court, NIA, NEC, Royal Show-ground, etc.
If we can help on any event you have planned then please call Jo Taylor from our licensing team,
Tel: 01527 544780
If we can help on any event you have planned then please call Jo Taylor from our licensing team,
Tel: 01527 544780
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Premises Licence Application Service New from PLT
Personal Licence Training Ltd (PLT) are set to introduce a new licence application service for solicitors and law firms. The new packaging service is aimed at solicitors and law firms who do not specialise in premises licence applications, but can add another string to their bow by offering both premises licence applications and personal licence applications to their list of services they offer to their clients. If you are a law firm, solicitor or introducer then PLT would like to here from you if you feel this service could be of value to your business. PLT have been actively involved in alcohol licensing since 1992 and can provide alcohol licence training courses in over 120 locations throughout Britain.
The company can also assist with planning and change of use for restaurants and fast food outlets and all aspects of licensing a new premises. Every week PLT secure new premises licence applications for their clients and have a reputation to get a licence granted. over the past twelve month PLT’s licensing team have achieved a 98% success rate on all new applications
If you are interested in becoming a licence introducer and taking advantadge of PLT licence application packaging service please contact;
Dean Carr or Jo Taylor at Personal Licence Training Ltd. Tel: 01527 544 780
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Personal Licence Training Ltd: New off licence applications granted
Personal Licence Training Ltd: New off licence applications granted: Several new full off licence applications where granted last week with thanks to our expert licensing team here at Personal Licence Training...
New off licence applications granted
Several new full off licence applications where granted last week with thanks to our expert licensing team here at Personal Licence Training Limited (PLT). In a bid to increase business turnover the company is expanding it's licensing team to cope with the sudden influx of new premises licence applications and planning applications.
Last week PLT saw new off licence applications granted in Lambeth, London for Stockwell Supermarket. Hounslow, London for Express Food & Wine, Leicester for R & K News & off Licence, Baguette Du Monde, Bull Ring Shopping Centre, Birmingham and Alasya Restaurant in London.
A company spokes person for PLT said that "the demand for new premises licence applications and applications for off licence premises and mini markets had increased over the last six months. PLT had also provided it's licensing services to several high profile Schools and Universities and had also quoted on applications for several major high street retailers. However the major players in the alcohol retailing sector seem to be the independent retailers who are finding that retailing alcohol from their premises can attracted more trade to their business and help increase turnover." A recent news article on www.alcohollicence.org may have sparked an up turn in the demand as off licensed premises where linked underage drinking issues
and may have worried some retailers to apply sooner than later.
Last week PLT saw new off licence applications granted in Lambeth, London for Stockwell Supermarket. Hounslow, London for Express Food & Wine, Leicester for R & K News & off Licence, Baguette Du Monde, Bull Ring Shopping Centre, Birmingham and Alasya Restaurant in London.
A company spokes person for PLT said that "the demand for new premises licence applications and applications for off licence premises and mini markets had increased over the last six months. PLT had also provided it's licensing services to several high profile Schools and Universities and had also quoted on applications for several major high street retailers. However the major players in the alcohol retailing sector seem to be the independent retailers who are finding that retailing alcohol from their premises can attracted more trade to their business and help increase turnover." A recent news article on www.alcohollicence.org may have sparked an up turn in the demand as off licensed premises where linked underage drinking issues
and may have worried some retailers to apply sooner than later.
Personal Licence Training Ltd: APLH Course Dates
Personal Licence Training Ltd: APLH Course Dates: Looking course dates for the Award for Personal Licence Holders (level 2) Qualification To list all our course dates on this blog would be...
Friday, 2 September 2011
Personal Licence Training Ltd: APLH Course Dates
Personal Licence Training Ltd: APLH Course Dates: Looking course dates for the Award for Personal Licence Holders (level 2) Qualification To list all our course dates on this blog would be...
APLH Licence Training in Nottingham & Derby
NCPLH changed to APLH (Award for Personal Licence Holders)
The Award for Personal Licence Holders has now changed for England & Wales. Since the introduction of the new licensing Act 2003 the personal licence qualification has been known as the National certificate for Personal Licence Holders (NCPLH) Level 2 this licensing qualification has now been renamed to the Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH). New courses have been organised by Personal licence training Limited for the East Midlands region and APLH licence training courses are now been offered in Derby, Nottingham and Leicester. The company has now open a East Midlands office in Long Eaton to widen it’s scope of licence training courses in the local area. DPS training courses will soon be added and APLH Distance Learning courses will also be on offer for candidates living in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire. The change to the Personal Licence Holders qualification came in to effect on the first of April 2011.
If your looking to book a personal licence holders course in Derby or Nottingham please call head office.
We can also bring the training to your business venue anywhere in the East Midlands via our new East Midlands office in Long Eaton
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
1,384 Pageviews for NCPLH exam
Hey just in case you are looking to sit the NCPLH exam this licensing qualification is no longer valid!
The licensing qualification has been renamed to the Award for personal licence holders or APLH Level 2.
This licensing qualification is awarded by several awarding bodies, these include EDI, NCFE, HFAB, BIIAB. All of these licensing qualifcations are exceptable to all licensing authorities in England & Wales and all certificates serve the same purpose which is proof that you have undertaken training on the new licensing Act 2003. The new APLH licensing certificate came in to force in April 2010 and replaces the old NCPLH qualification.
The good news is we can offer this APLH licensing qualification in over 120 locations nationwide. We run regular alcohol licence training courses from Newcastle to Portsmouth and from Swansea to Norwich.
To find your nearest training centre simply call Personal Licence Training Limited on:
Tel: 01527 544 780
or use our new online course locator (Click Here)
The UK's Favorite Licensing Company
The licensing qualification has been renamed to the Award for personal licence holders or APLH Level 2.
This licensing qualification is awarded by several awarding bodies, these include EDI, NCFE, HFAB, BIIAB. All of these licensing qualifcations are exceptable to all licensing authorities in England & Wales and all certificates serve the same purpose which is proof that you have undertaken training on the new licensing Act 2003. The new APLH licensing certificate came in to force in April 2010 and replaces the old NCPLH qualification.
The good news is we can offer this APLH licensing qualification in over 120 locations nationwide. We run regular alcohol licence training courses from Newcastle to Portsmouth and from Swansea to Norwich.
To find your nearest training centre simply call Personal Licence Training Limited on:
Tel: 01527 544 780
or use our new online course locator (Click Here)
The UK's Favorite Licensing Company
Personal Licence Training Ltd: Licensing Solicitors in Worcestershire
Personal Licence Training Ltd: Licensing Solicitors in Worcestershire: Since the introduction of the new licensing Act 2003 Personal Licence Training Limited have specialised in preparing alcohol licence applica...
Licensing Solicitors in Worcestershire
Since the introduction of the new licensing Act 2003 Personal Licence Training Limited have specialised in preparing alcohol licence applications for all types of premises. Our expert team of licensing consultants and surveyors can help and advise on all types of applications including;
Over the past six years we have licensed almost all kinds of premises from people selling alcohol in Christmas hampers to websites specialising in quality German red wines. From large distribution centres like DHL logistics to University bars. Our Clients include;
Sofitex Luxury Hotels
Norman Court School an excellent Wedding Venue Licensed by us |
- New off licence applications
- New on licence applications
- Change of use from A1 to A5 hot food take-a-way
- Change of use from A1 to A3 restaurant use
- Planning permission and alcohol licence plans
- Transfers and variations of an existing licence
- Extending licensing hours
- Licensing distribution centre's and warehouse units
- Alcohol licensing for School's, Colleges and Universities
- Licensing for temporary events, shows and concerts
- Changes of licensee or DPS
- Home delivery of alcohol or home delivery service
- Selling alcohol with flowers
- Selling alcohol on the internet or by post
- Night Clubs and Social Clubs
Over the past six years we have licensed almost all kinds of premises from people selling alcohol in Christmas hampers to websites specialising in quality German red wines. From large distribution centres like DHL logistics to University bars. Our Clients include;
![]() |
We have provided staff training and obtained alcohol licence's for Londis Stores all over the UK |
Ibis Hotels
Jurys Inn Hotels
Holiday Inn Hotels
Express by Holiday Inn
Royal Kensington Hotel
Royal Artillery Museum
National Trust
Metropolitan Police
Marks & Spencer’s PLC
Boots PLC
DHL Logistics PLC
SPAR Stores
Londis Stores
Londis Stores
Cost Cutter Stores
Premier Stores
Nisa Local Stores
Select & Save
Compass Group PLC
Bargain Booze
Select Supermarkets
Doncaster Rovers FC
UCL University College London
Norman Court
Vinopillos Restaurants
Northampton University
Stoke University Hospital
Gaymer Cider Company
Aston Villa leisure centre
Tiger Tiger Night Club
Mirage Night Club, Kidderminster
Stingfellows Night Club
Leicester Cricket Academy
Leicester Race Course
The Custard Factory (Birmingham)
Roneo Wines, Essex
Calabria Italian Restaurant (Chesterfield)
Bellissimo Italian Restaurant (Rossendale)
GOALS Soccer Centres
Bel Cante Restaurants (Paris & London)
Black Counrty Museum
Ma Pardoes Brewery
Enterprise Inns
Green King
Punch Taverns
Linekers Bars
RAF Royal Air force
Platinum Lace
Spearmint Rhino
The Mayfair Club
Baguette DU Monde (Birmingham Bull Ring)
Alea Casino's
Maxims Casino's
Ganarda service Stations
Texaco Service Stations
Jet Services Stations
BP Connect
BAR 98 (Redditch)
Bella Pasta
Sheffield United FC
Aston Villa LeisureCentre
And thousands of independent retailers nationwide. Whether it is staff training on alcohol licensing law or preparing a new premises off sales licence for a new supermarket. We have the key personal to help you succeed with your business proposal.
And thousands of independent retailers nationwide. Whether it is staff training on alcohol licensing law or preparing a new premises off sales licence for a new supermarket. We have the key personal to help you succeed with your business proposal.
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Personal Licence Training Ltd: APLH mock exam
Personal Licence Training Ltd: APLH mock exam: Ok we have been asked for news on our online APLH mock exam! the good news is it is under development as we speak. we will post a copy onlin...
A landlord has been jailed for manslaughter after a man plunged to his death
A landlord has been jailed for manslaughter after a man plunged to his death through a cellar door and remained undiscovered for three days – because the bar owner was on a health and safety course.
James Teasdale, 36, who was on a night out with friends, could have mistaken the cellar door for the gents’ toilet, a court heard.
But today, in a rare case of gross negligence manslaughter, David Bell, 51, the landlord of Zest bar in Scarborough, was jailed for two years.
Leeds Crown Court heard that Bell had failed to lock the door, despite there being several occurrences of patrons mistaking it for a toilet or falling through it, resulting in injuries.
Ironically, Bell was away to attend course which would educate him on the risks to customers that his bar may pose the day after the accident which claimed Teasdale’s life.
He had already repeatedly postponed attending the course since he took over the lease.
Prosecuting, Jonathan Sharp told the court that careless Bell had taken over Zest bar in North Yorkshire, as landlord in July 2009.
Mr Sharp explained that a door leading down concrete steps to the cellar was situated directly off the area where the ladies’ and disabled toilets were, with just a note written on A4 paper saying ‘Private No Entry.’
Mr Sharp said: ‘This arrangement presented an obvious risk of fatal injury to visitors on the premises, and it was incumbent on the occupier of the premises… to assess the risk and then to take appropriate steps to minimise it.’
Bell had adequate warning of the danger the arrangement presented, starting with an incident which occurred just over a month after he took over the premises in August 2009.
Preventable death: Graphic designer James Teasdale, 36, fell to his death down a flight of stairs through a door that had been left unlocked by licensee David Bell
A young customer had been in the bar and went to the look for the toilets but mistook the cellar door for the gents’, finding himself plunging down the steps.
He hit his head, causing severe bleeding and permanent scarring, knocking himself out in the process. He managed to clamber back up before a paramedic was called and he was taken to hospital.
Bell admitted the situation with the cellar but made no attempt to correct it and didn’t even clean the blood off the steps.
There were also further incidents where a customer fell into the cellar while using a nearby cigarette machine, escaping with minor injuries, and another banged his head.
For a short period after these incidents, Bell had the door locked but then claimed the key was lost or stolen, leaving the hazard in place once again.
He did arrange for a new lock to be fitted, and it was due to be put in place the week after Mr Teasdale’s death.
On Sunday, July 11 last year, James finished work before joining friends for some drinks and got up to go to the toilet.
Mr Sharp said: ‘When he announced he was going to the gents’, one of his friends offered, in view of his state, to walk him there.
‘He, however, refused that offer and went alone. He did not return.’
Mr Teasdale either mistook the door for the gents’ toilet or fell through, tumbling down the stairs and banging his head on the basement floor.
He suffered substantial brain and head injuries as well as multiple other injuries to his body.
He remained conscious, but concussed, for between one and four hours after the fall and attempted to pull himself back up the stairs before crawling into another room in the cellar where he died.
His body was not discovered for another three days, until Wednesday, as the bar had been closed on Monday and Tuesday with Bell away on a health and safety course.
Mr Sharp said: ‘The freeholders of the premises had asked him (Bell) to go on a course as soon as he took over the lease but he had repeatedly postponed this.
‘As it happened he was booked to go on such a course the day after the fatal accident.’
After the premises were re-opened it was also discovered that there had been a spare key for the cellar door lock all along.
Sentencing Bell, who had admitted manslaughter at an earlier hearing, Judge Mr Justice Spencer said: ‘As a result of your actions a young man aged only 36 lost his life.
‘I have read the moving witness statement from his family. Their distress and utter dismay that such an accident has been allowed to happen is completely understandable.
‘Putting it bluntly, even the most elementary risk assessment would have shown that this was an accident waiting to happen, but it was in fact an accident that had happened twice already. ‘Despite this you had taken no steps to address this danger.’
Detective Inspector Heather Pearson, who led the North Yorkshire Police investigation, said after the case: ‘Gross negligence manslaughter is not only rare, it is also a difficult crime to prosecute.
‘This case highlights the ultimate responsibility of business owners and managers to ensure health and safety laws are followed to the highest standards.
‘As we have seen, failure to comply can have devastating consequences.’
Jan Hills, District Crown Prosecutor for CPS North Yorkshire said: ‘The defendant in this case was grossly negligent and committed a clear breach of his duty of care towards his customer, Mr Teasdale.
‘As a result of this, Mr Teasdale lost his life in an incident which was as foreseeable as it was preventable.’
James’s parents Derek and Barbara said in a statement: ‘We are very relieved that justice has been carried out for James and for everybody who knew and loved him.
‘We all miss James greatly and his tragic but preventable death will live with us forever.
Source : Daily Mail (With thanks to Simon Dodd at Peninsula)
Personal Licence Courses in London
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London Website Up-dated for 2011 |
We have also update our old London website www.personallicencelondon.com take a quick look for more information on our services and for details of personal licence courses in London and the surrounding home counties.
London sales manager Mr Noel Samaroo is looking after the new central London training venue and will be launching new course date for this venue shortly. Noel also offers his training services at your business venues any where in London his details can be found on www.personallicencelondon.com
or you can contact head office on Tel; 0845 388 5283
Monday, 22 August 2011
UK personal alcohol licence explained in Polish
Przed ubieganiem się o osobiste pozwolenie na sprzedaż alkoholu detalicznej wnioskodawca musi posiadać odpowiednie kwalifikacje licencji. W Anglii i Walii jest to znane jako National Certificate dlaOsobiste Licencja Uchwyty (NCPLH) Poziom 2 oraz w Szkocji kwalifikacji licencji jest znany jako Scottish Certificate Osobowych Posiadacze licencji (SCPLH) Poziom 5.
Wniosek o licencję osobistą należy do Licensing Authority (Anglia i Walia) / Licensing Board (Szkocja). Organy licencyjne / Forum licencji są wydziały rad. Przy ubieganiu się o osobiste pozwolenie wnioskodawca powinien zwrócić się do Licensing Authority / Licensing Board w których żyją.
Więcej informacji na temat ubiegania się o licencję osobistą w Szkocji można znaleźć na stronie www.personal licencescotland.com
Przy ubieganiu się o licencję osobistą musisz wypełnić stosowne formularze. Są one dostępne na żądanie Licensing Authority / Licensing Zarządu. W Engalnd i Walii te formularze zgłoszeniowe można również pobrać ze strony internetowej DCMS.
Należy pamiętać, że wnioskodawca imię i nazwisko, w tym wszystkie imiona muszą być podane w dokumentach w związku z osobistego wniosku o wydanie pozwolenia.
Wypełniony formularz wniosku o wydanie pozwolenia osobowych (300 KB) należy dołączyć następujące brzmienie:
- 2 fotografie (format paszportowy) - jeden musi być podpisany przez kogoś z niektórych stojący w społeczności tj. radcy prawnego, księgowego, office, lekarz, nauczyciel, egzaminatorowi, minister oficjalne społeczeństwo religia, bank lub budynku lub urzędnik służby cywilnej;
- Opłata w wysokości £ 37.00 (Czeki powinny być wystawione na "Lokalne Rady");
- Ujawnianie przekonań i deklaracji (35KB) (to powinno stwierdzać, czy na wszelkie odpowiednie i zagranicznych popełniono przestępstwa, w tym pełne dane, były stosowane).
Istnieje kilka akredytowanych powołane organy, które oferują licencji kwalifikacji dla Anglii, Walii i Szkocji wszystkich tych kwalifikacji licencji są akredytowane przez Sekretarza Stanu. Organów przyznających są następujące;
- Poziom NCFE 2 National Certificate Osobowych Posiadacze licencji;
- Poziom EDI 2 Certyfikat dla Osobiste Posiadacze licencji;
- GQAL Poziom 2 National Certificate Osobowych Posiadacze licencji;
- Poziom HABC 2 Nagroda za osobiste Posiadacze licencji;
- BIIAB Poziom 2 National Certificate Osobowych Posiadacze licencji, lub
- SQA Poziom 2 nagroda dla Osobiste Posiadacze licencji
Istnieje kilka powołane organy do Szkocji Więcej informacji na stroniewww.personallicencescotland.com
Istnieje szeroka sieć dostawców szkoleń, którzy oferują licencji kwalifikacji w tym Personal Training ograniczonej licencji, które oferują ponad 120 dat oczywiście kraju, ich stronie internetowej można znaleźć na stronie; www.personallicencetraining.co.uk
Średni koszt szkolenia osobowych licencji wynosi około £ 150.00 + VAT
Wnioskodawcy, którzy ubiegać się o osobiste pozwolenie na sprzedaż alkoholu muszą także przedstawić podstawowe rejestrów karnych sprawdzić w ich stosowaniu. W celu spełnienia tego wymogu można zastosować na linii do ujawnienia Szkocji. zastosowanie do ujawnienia Szkocji Podstawowe Ujawnienie
Jeśli nie masz dostępu do komputera lokalnego Rady może dostarczyć niezbędny formularz zgłoszeniowy i uwagi dotyczące realizacji. Wszystkie koszty aplikacji £ 23.00
Uwaga:Certyfikaty ujawnienie (sprawdza CRB) są ważne tylko przez 30 dni i musi być w dniu, gdy twoje osobiste wniosek o wydanie pozwolenia jest odbierany przez lokalne władze. Rada nie może przez prawo zaakceptować certyfikat, który jest więcej niż jeden miesiąc kalendarzowy życia.
Uwaga: Nie złożenie wszystkich wymaganych informacji spowoduje aplikacji powrotem do Ciebie przez lokalne rady. Personal Training ograniczonej licencji również pozwolenie na świadczenie usług przetwarzania, mogą przetwarzać dane osobowe licencji na sprzedaż alkoholu dla Ciebie za £ 295.00.Obejmuje to również szkolenia, opłaty egzaminacyjnej, materiały szkoleniowe, sprawdzić CRB, opłata za wniosek do władz lokalnych. Wystarczy uzyskać licencję osobistą w post.
Przetwarzanie osobistego wniosku o wydanie pozwolenia trwa około 4-6 tygodni. W niektórych przypadkach licencje mogą być wydawane wcześniej.
UK personal alcohol licence explained in Chinese (Simplified)
From time to time we get asked to explain UK licensing laws in other languages so here we go in Simplified Chinese.
We hope this helps!
We hope this helps!
许可法“ 2003年建立了一个政权,发放个人许可证向个人提供或授权下处所的牌照出售或供应酒精。
个人许可证是从单独的许可证授权使用酒精供应的处所。个人分别从个人牌照持有人之一的前提下转移到另一个处所许可证的许可,允许更大的灵活性,发牌。它结束以前的过时的1964法税吏由许可证绑在他们工作的premices。 2003年的“许可法”还提供了与权力的警察,负责机关和发牌当局处理不法个人牌照持有人。
在英格兰和威尔士的个人牌照持有人的许可资格被称为奖个人牌照持有人或APLH 2级。苏格兰有不同的发牌制度。发牌(苏格兰)法令2005年。个人在苏格兰的许可证持有人的许可资格被称为苏格兰个人牌照持有人SCPLH 5级证书。
一个基本的犯罪记录检查,便可获得进一步详情致电他们的热线电话号码0870 609 6006,或他们的网站(见下面的链接)从披露苏格兰。
申请人在申请个人牌照出售零售酒精之前,必须持有有关的发牌资格。在英格兰和威尔士这被称为个人牌照持有人APLH 2级奖和发牌资格在苏格兰苏格兰证书作为个人牌照持有人(SCPLH)5级。
申请在苏格兰的个人许可证的更多信息, 可以发现在http://www.personallicencescotland.com
- 2张照片(护照尺寸) - 一个必须签署有的常委会的人,在社区内即律师,会计师,警务室,医生,教师,监考员,宗教,银行或建房协会官员或公务员的部长;
- 37.00英镑的费用(支票抬头应“当地政府”);
- 一 披露的信念和宣言(这应该说明是否任何相关的或外国的罪行已经犯下,包括全部细节,也适用)。
- NCFE等级2个人牌照持有人(APLH)奖;
- EDI 2级个人牌照持有人(APLH)奖;
- HABC等级2个人牌照持有人(APLH)奖;
- BIIAB等级2个人牌照持有人(APLH)奖;
1。 EDI 5级苏格兰个人牌照持有人的证书(SCPLH)
3。 BIIAB级别5个人牌照持有人的苏格兰证书(SCPLH)
提供包括个人牌照培训有限公司提供全国超过120课程日期的许可资格的培训机构有广泛的网络,可以发现在他们的网站 ; www.personallicencetraining.co.uk
如果你没有访问一台计算机,当地政府可以提供必要的申请表,并完成注意到你。所有的应用程序费用£ 23.00
您可致电0845 388 5472个人牌照培训有限公司
UK personal alcohol licence explained in Hindi
From time to time we get asked to explain UK licensing laws in other languages so here we go in Hindi the national language of India.
हर बात आप को एक बनने के बारे में पता करने की जरूरत है व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस धारक, कैसे एक निजी लाइसेंस और क्या एक निजी लाइसेंस आप करने के लिए सक्षम हो जाएगा प्राप्त करने के लिए इस वेबपृष्ठ पर पाया जा सकता है.
एक निजी लाइसेंस धारक एक व्यक्ति जो खुदरा या दूसरों के लिए प्राधिकरण देने के लिए खुदरा द्वारा शराब बेचने में सक्षम द्वारा शराब बेचने के लिए लाइसेंस प्राप्त है. एक निजी लाइसेंस धारक भी लागू हो सकते हैं निर्दिष्ट परिसर पर्यवेक्षक या डीपीएस बन के रूप में जाना जाता है.
लाइसेंसिंग अधिनियम 2003 व्यक्तियों को निजी लाइसेंस के लिए आपूर्ति, या एक परिसर लाइसेंस के अंतर्गत या शराब की बिक्री और आपूर्ति को प्राधिकृत देने के लिए शासन की स्थापना की है.
व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस लाइसेंस है कि शराब की आपूर्ति के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा परिसर अधिकृत से अलग है.परिसर दूसरे करने के लिए एक आधार से व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस धारकों के आंदोलन परमिट के लाइसेंस से अलग - अलग व्यक्तियों, अधिक से अधिक लचीलेपन की अनुमति के लाइसेंस. यह पिछले पुरानी अधिनियम 1964 जहां publicans लाइसेंस द्वारा premices जहाँ वे काम करने के लिए बंधे थे समाप्त होता है. 2003 लाइसेंस अधिनियम शक्तियों के साथ भी पुलिस जिम्मेदार अधिकारियों और लाइसेंस के अधिकारियों प्रदान करता है बेईमान निजी लाइसेंस धारकों के साथ सौदा.
व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस शराब की आपूर्ति के लिए केवल एक परिसर लाइसेंस के अंतर्गत संबंधित है. एक व्यक्ति अन्य licensable गतिविधियों, विनियमित मनोरंजन या देर रात ताज़गी का प्रावधान है, के लिए या एक क्लब परिसर प्रमाण पत्र या अस्थायी घटना नोटिस के तहत शराब की आपूर्ति के लिए एक निजी लाइसेंस की आवश्यकता नहीं है (हालांकि व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस धारकों से 50 देने के लिए सक्षम हो जाएगा अस्थायी घटना प्रत्येक वर्ष गैर - व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस धारकों के लिए 5 की सीमा के बजाय नोटिस). हालांकि एक व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस धारक के लिए एक अस्थायी घटना के नोटिस के तहत शराब की बिक्री की निगरानी के लिए आवश्यक है.
एक व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस धारक को कहीं भी शराब की आपूर्ति अधिकृत नहीं करता, लेकिन केवल एक परिसर परिसर लाइसेंस के साथ अनुसार शराब की आपूर्ति अधिकृत लाइसेंस के साथ प्रतिष्ठानों से.एक व्यक्ति किसी एक समय में केवल एक व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस पकड़ सकता है. एक निजी लाइसेंस धारक केवल किसी भी एक समय पर निर्दिष्ट एक आधार के परिसर पर्यवेक्षक (डीपीएस) हो सकता है.
सभी परिसर शराब की आपूर्ति अधिकृत लाइसेंस एक पहचान निजी लाइसेंस धारक नामित परिसर पर्यवेक्षक के रूप में जाना जाता है चाहिए. यह सुनिश्चित करता है वहाँ हमेशा एक निर्दिष्ट व्यक्ति है जो आसानी से एक आधार है जहां एक परिसर लाइसेंस बल में है पर पहचाना जा सकता है. इस व्यक्ति को आम तौर पर परिसर के चल रहे दिन के लिए दिन के लिए जिम्मेदार होगा. लाइसेंस प्राप्त परिसर में एक से अधिक व्यक्ति एक निजी लाइसेंस पकड़ सकता है, हालांकि यह सभी कर्मचारियों के लिए लाइसेंसशुदा होना आवश्यक नहीं है. लेकिन, एक परिसर लाइसेंस के तहत शराब के सभी आपूर्ति के द्वारा या एक व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस धारक के अधिकार के तहत किया जाना चाहिए.
दस साल के लिए पहले उदाहरण में एक व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस जारी किया जाता है और एक और आगे दस वर्षों के लिए आवेदन पर नए सिरे से किया जा सकता है अगर लाइसेंस धारक किसी भी प्रासंगिक या विदेशी अपराध के लिए नहीं दोषी पाया गया है. एक व्यक्ति के निजी लाइसेंस आम तौर पर स्थानीय परिषदों लाइसेंस प्राधिकारी जहां वे रहते हैं के द्वारा जारी है.
निजी लाइसेंस के लिए आवेदक पहले एक मान्यता प्राप्त योग्यता प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता होगी.योग्यता का उद्देश्य यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि लाइसेंस धारकों के लाइसेंस कानून के बारे में पता कर रहे हैं और व्यापक सामाजिक जिम्मेदारियों शराब की बिक्री से जुड़ी है. व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस योग्यता प्रदाताओं राज्य के सचिव के द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त हैं.
इंग्लैंड और वेल्स में एक निजी लाइसेंस धारक के लिए लाइसेंस योग्यता व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस धारकों या APLH स्तर 2 के लिए पुरस्कार के रूप में जाना जाता है. स्कॉटलैंड के एक अलग लाइसेंस प्रणाली है. लाइसेंस (स्कॉटलैंड) अधिनियम 2005. स्कॉटलैंड में एक निजी लाइसेंस धारक के लिए लाइसेंस योग्यता निजी लाइसेंस धारकों SCPLH स्तर 5 के लिए स्कॉटिश प्रमाणपत्र के रूप में जाना जाता है.
दोनों लाइसेंस योग्यता धारक द्वारा खुदरा शराब बेचने के एक निजी लाइसेंस के लिए आवेदन करने की अनुमति देगा.
में इंग्लैंड और वेल्स एक निजी लाइसेंस के लिए आवेदकों को भी एक बुनियादी आपराधिक रिकॉर्ड की जाँच के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए आवश्यक हैं. स्कॉटलैंड में पुलिस प्रत्येक आवेदक पर एक पीएनसी चेक आचरण और एक पुलिस साक्षात्कार की आवश्यकता हो सकती है.
यदि आपके इंग्लैंड और वेल्स में लागू करने के लिए देख आप एक बुनियादी आपराधिक रिकॉर्ड की जाँच (CRB) की आवश्यकता होगी
एक बुनियादी आपराधिक रिकॉर्ड की जाँच अधिक जानकारी के लिए प्रकटीकरण स्कॉटलैंड उनके हेल्पलाइन नंबर 6006 0870 609, या अपनी वेबसाइट (नीचे लिंक देखें) से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है है फोन.
कैसे एक निजी लाइसेंस के लिए आवेदन के लिए
इससे पहले एक निजी लाइसेंस के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए खुदरा द्वारा शराब बेचने, आवेदक एक प्रासंगिक लाइसेंस योग्यता रखना चाहिए. इंग्लैंड और वेल्स में इस निजी लाइसेंस धारकों APLH स्तर 2 के लिए एक पुरस्कार के रूप में जाना जाता है और स्कॉटलैंड में लाइसेंस निजी लाइसेंस धारकों के लिए स्कॉटलैंड के प्रमाणपत्र (SCPLH) स्तर 5 योग्यता के रूप में जाना जाता है.
लाइसेंसिंग प्राधिकरण (इंग्लैंड एंड वेल्स) / लाइसेंसिंग बोर्ड (स्कॉटलैंड) के लिए एक निजी लाइसेंस के लिए आवेदन किया जाना चाहिए. लाइसेंसिंग प्राधिकरण / लाइसेंसिंग बोर्ड के स्थानीय परिषदों के विभागों रहे हैं.
लाइसेंसिंग प्राधिकरण / (स्कॉटलैंड) लाइसेंसिंग बोर्ड जहां वे रहते हैं, जब एक निजी लाइसेंस के लिए आवेदन आवेदक लागू करना चाहिए.
स्कॉटलैंड में एक निजी लाइसेंस के लिए आवेदन करने पर अधिक जानकारी में पाया जा सकताhttp://www.personallicencescotland.com
जब एक निजी लाइसेंस के लिए आवेदन आप उपयुक्त आवेदन प्रपत्रों को पूरा करने की आवश्यकता होगी. ये लाइसेंसिंग बोर्ड / लाइसेंसिंग प्राधिकरण से अनुरोध पर उपलब्ध हैं.
इंग्लैंड और वेल्स में इन आवेदन प्रपत्रों DCMS वेबसाइट से भी डाउनलोड किया जा सकता है. स्कॉटलैंड में अनुप्रयोगों के अपने स्थानीय लाइसेंस बोर्ड से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है.
कृपया ध्यान दें कि एक आवेदक के सभी forenames सहित पूरा नाम व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस के आवेदन के साथ संबंध में सभी दस्तावेजों पर दिया जाना चाहिए.
पूरा व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस आवेदन निम्नलिखित के साथ किया जाना चाहिए:
- 2 (पासपोर्ट आकार के) तस्वीरें - एक कुछ खड़े समुदाय यानी वकील के भीतर किसी के द्वारा हस्ताक्षर किया जाना चाहिए, एकाउंटेंट, पुलिस कार्यालय, चिकित्सक, शिक्षक धर्म, बैंक, या समाज के निर्माण के एक अधिकारी या सिविल सेवक के निरीक्षक मंत्री;
- 37.00 £ के शुल्क (चैक "आपका स्थानीय परिषद" के लिए देय होना चाहिए);
- एक अभियुक्तों को दोषी करार और घोषणा के प्रकटीकरण (चाहे या नहीं किसी भी प्रासंगिक या विदेशी अपराधों पूर्ण विवरण सहित प्रतिबद्ध किया गया है, राज्य, लागू थे चाहिए).
वहाँ कई मान्यता प्राप्त देने निकायों जो इंग्लैंड के लिए लाइसेंस योग्यता की पेशकश कर रहे हैं, इन लाइसेंस योग्यता के सभी वेल्स राज्य और लाइसेंस के अधिकारियों को स्वीकार्य के सचिव द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त हैं.देने निकायों निम्नानुसार हैं;
- निजी लाइसेंस धारकों के लिए NCFE स्तर 2 पुरस्कार (APLH);
- निजी लाइसेंस धारकों के लिए ईडीआई स्तर 2 पुरस्कार (APLH);
- निजी लाइसेंस धारकों के लिए HABC स्तर 2 पुरस्कार (APLH);
- निजी लाइसेंस धारकों के लिए BIIAB स्तर 2 पुरस्कार (APLH);
वहाँ रहे हैं स्कॉटलैंड के लिए कई देने निकायों इन में निम्नलिखित शामिल हैं
1. ईडीआई स्तर 5 निजी लाइसेंस धारकों के लिए स्कॉटलैंड के प्रमाणपत्र (SCPLH)
2. सिटी और Guilds 5 निजी लाइसेंस धारकों के लिए स्कॉटलैंड के प्रमाणपत्र (SCPLH) स्तर
3. BIIAB 5 निजी लाइसेंस धारकों के लिए स्कॉटलैंड के प्रमाणपत्र (SCPLH) स्तर
स्कॉटलैंड लाइसेंस प्रशिक्षण पाठ्यक्रम के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए यात्रा कृपयाwww.personallicencescotland.com
प्रशिक्षण प्रदाताओं जो व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस लिमिटेड प्रशिक्षण जो 120 से अधिक पाठ्यक्रम के तिथी को राष्ट्रव्यापी पेशकश सहित लाइसेंस योग्यता की पेशकश की एक व्यापक नेटवर्क है, अपनी वेब साइट पर पाया जा सकता है ; www.personallicencetraining.co.uk
एक निजी लाइसेंस प्रशिक्षण पाठ्यक्रम की औसत लागत £ वैट + 150.00 के आसपास है
जो आवेदकों को एक निजी लाइसेंस के लिए शराब बेचने के लिए लागू करने के लिए अपने आवेदन के साथ प्रस्तुत एक बुनियादी आपराधिक रिकॉर्ड की जांच की जरूरत है. आदेश में इस आवश्यकता को पूरा करने के लिए आप प्रकटीकरण स्कॉटलैंड के लिए लाइन पर लागू होते हैं. मूल प्रकटीकरण के लिए प्रकटीकरण स्कॉटलैंड के लिए लागू कर सकते हैं
यदि आप एक कंप्यूटर करने के लिए पहुँच नहीं है आप अपने स्थानीय परिषद आवश्यक आवेदन फार्म और पूरा होने पर नोट्स के साथ प्रदान कर सकते हैं. सभी आवेदनों लागत £ 23.00
कृपया ध्यान दें: प्रकटीकरण प्रमाण पत्र (CRB चेक) केवल 30 दिनों के लिए मान्य हैं और तारीख में जब आपकी व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस आवेदन अपनी स्थानीय कौंसिल से प्राप्त होता है. परिषद कानून द्वारा एक प्रमाण पत्र है जो एक से अधिक कैलेंडर माह पुराना है स्वीकार नहीं कर सकते.
कृपया ध्यान दें: सभी आवश्यक जानकारी प्रस्तुत करने के लिए विफलता आपके आवेदन अपने स्थानीय कौंसिल द्वारा आप को लौट जा रहा में परिणाम देगा.
व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस लिमिटेड प्रशिक्षण भी एक लाइसेंस प्रसंस्करण सेवा की पेशकश, वे आप के लिए 295.00 £ के लिए अपने व्यक्तिगत शराब लाइसेंस की प्रक्रिया कर सकते हैं. यह अपने प्रशिक्षण पाठ्यक्रम, परीक्षा शुल्क, पाठ्यक्रम सामग्री, CRB चेक, अपने स्थानीय प्राधिकरण के लिए आवेदन शुल्क शामिल हैं.
तुम बस अपनी पोस्ट में निजी लाइसेंस मिलता है.
एक निजी लाइसेंस आवेदन प्रसंस्करण लगभग 4-6 सप्ताह लेने. कुछ मामलों में लाइसेंस जल्दी ही जारी किया जा सकता है.
यह जानकारी दस्तावेज़ से व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस प्रशिक्षण लिमिटेड डीन Carr द्वारा उत्पादित किया गया है
आप 388 0845 5472 पर व्यक्तिगत लाइसेंस लिमिटेड प्रशिक्षण से संपर्क कर सकते हैं
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